HELLO EVERYONE!! I apologize profusely for not blogging lately. Between the Big Press, and preparation for the Baccalaureate, the time has escaped me. I was looking through some of the older blogs, and this one has always been one of my favorites. Please read today's blog and think on where your heart and your devotion is with God. I daresay we could all use some improvement, no matter what level we are at. Selah.
"Blessed are those servants whom the Master, when He comes, will find watching. Assuredly, I say to you that He will gird Himself and have them sit down to eat, and will come and serve them." - Luke 12:37
This verse makes me think of our weenie dog, Misty. When Kevin leaves, she never stops moving. She paces the floor, she goes to the front door and aggressively sniffs at it, she whimpers, she whines, she scratches the door, she does tricks. She would rip the door off it's hinges to follow him if she was physically capable. Her whole world is wrapped up in waiting for him. Her expectation is completely focused on his return and being excited and pleasing to him when he walks in the door.
Why the heck do we let a weenie dog outdo us?
We have such a better Master than a human one like Kevin. Jesus specifcally told us to be found watching for His return. Like Misty, we should be watching, waiting, expecting, and excited about our Master's return and be focused on Him and His Kingdom more than anything else. Our hearts should be so desperate to see Him again that we let it consume our lives and our thoughts. If we focus on the Father our attitudes and our hearts will begin to reflect His. We will begin to put His desires in front of our own and long to please Him with our lives. Seek the Master, watch for His return. Focus on His heart and pleasing Him above anyone else. Don't be outdone in devotion by a 8 lb. weenie dog! :-)