"He who gives to the poor will not lack, but he who hides his eyes will have many curses." -Proverbs 28:27
Have you ever seen those people on the side of the road holding the little cardboard sign that says, "will work for food"? Have you ever thought, "Lazy people. Why don't they go get a job and quit begging all the time?!?" I'll admit, I've thought the same thing on occasion, but the Holy Spirit corrects me. I don't know the heart of those people. I don't know what their true condition is. It's not my place to judge what they're doing and if I think it's right or not. God is the only one that knows their true intentions. Pastor Pat says it all the time, and I think it's an awesome concept: I would rather error on the side of mercy than withhold help from anyone. If I get burned, I get burned. Who cares? It's not me their scamming. I'm just being obedient to give what God has blessed me with at all times. God knows my heart, as well as He knows that person's heart and I'll still be blessed because I chose to give.
If I choose to judge, or intentionally overlook those who need help, I'm setting myself up to not be blessed when I'm in need. It's the law of sewing and reaping in its purest form. Now this isn't to say that you have to give to everyone to your own detriment, or even when you don't have the money, God knows if you don't have it to give. But it's when you pass over people that need help and keep it all for yourself to spend on yourself that He's not so keen on. We have been so blessed, and there are those among us who are suffering, hurting, and depressed. We must stop just looking around and start SEEING.
"Let the world see You through us, let the hurt find hope and the lost find home."