"For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the humble with salvation." -Psalm 149:4
It's easy to read this verse and think it's an automatic "beauty recipe". You might say to yourself, "Hmmmm... if I get saved God's gonna make me fiiiine. I can have any chick or dude I want!" Ahem, No. However, think about it this way: Those that are humble and seek God out become more attractive to people that are searching for the Truth. When you immerse yourself in God and His ways, you become more like Him, which in turn makes you a people magnet. People that need the love of God will come out of the woodwork to be around you and ask you questions. The more brightly you burn for Him, the more you shed light on things that people know they need to change in their lives and therefore they will seek you out to find out how to make those changes. Not to mention, when you focus on God, He makes you totally attractive in all the right ways for the one he has for you. When we were younger, even when we were just friends, I always loved the fact that Kevin was so passionate about God and worshipping Him. That was totally hot to me. The reason is because Kev immersed himself in God. He wanted to be more like Jesus all the time, and since I was the one for him, it drew me to him.
God wants to make you beautiful (or handsome, guys) from the inside out. But the key is, you've got to press into the Presence of God. Just reading a daily devotion isn't enough. Just listening to Christian music isn't enough. Just praying over your meals isn't enough. Those are good starting places, but there must be a progression. I'm talking about getting on your face and sucking some rug. I'm talking about worshipping Him more passionately and more desperately that you ever have before. I'm talking about applying the Word in your life. :) You've got to pray and seek out God and all His ways. It's a commitment, but He deserves nothing less!
Be made beautiful!
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