"The Almighty Lord helps me. That is why I will not be ashamed. I have set my face like a flint. I know that I will not be put to shame." - Isaiah 50:7 (The Message)
Talk about being hard-headed! This Scripture literally talks about not only making our head hard, but our face. The difference between being hard-headed and setting your face like flint is that one is out of selfish motives, and one is out of thinking of others. When we are hard-headed about something, we are saying our way or our opinion is the only right one. On the other hand, setting our face like flint is choosing to trust God and do what He wants no matter what anyone does or says. Jesus set His face like flint when He went to the Cross. He chose to do the right thing that would benefit us all more than choosing to do what would benefit Him personally, and NOTHING was going to stop him from accomplishing that goal for the good of us all.
We need to set our faces like flint in our own lives. Become so determined that you are going to live for God that nothing is going to stop you and no one is going to convince you otherwise. One of the cool things about flint is that if you strike it against another rock or against metal it will produce a spark. Back in the day it was used in starting fires. Think about that... if you set your face like flint, you are literally making yourself a fire-starter! I don't mean in the negative sense that you go around starting drama and setting fires between people. You're a fire-starter in the sense that you go around setting those ablaze with the passion and the love of God! You get to be the thing that sparks others into their walk with the Lord. What an opportunity we have!
So I want to encourage you, SET YOUR FACE LIKE FLINT. Be so determined to be exactly who God's created you to be that you set those around you on fire for Him. Today, be a fire-starter. :)
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