"The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh, My enemies and foes, they stumbled and fell. Though and army encamp against me, My heart shall not fear; Though war may rise against me, In this I will be confident." - Psalm 27:1-3
Ever felt like you were at war with the world? Ever felt like people were watching you, ready to pounce and take you down the minute you showed any weakness? Ever felt like you were alone? That's why this is one of my favorite Scriptures in the Bible. David was feeling all of those things and more. Saul was literally hunting David down to kill him because God had anointed David to be king of Israel, which meant that Saul no longer was anointed to be king and Saul knew it. He hated David and wanted him dead because David had what Saul didn't: God's blessing. When David wrote this Psalm, he was in the midst of being hunted. He knew that if Saul ever found him, he would kill him, yet David trusted God to protect him and keep His Word to make him king.
I know at school and even at work, there are people who love to make your life miserable. It's almost like they get enjoyment out of making you suffer or making you angry. But I venture to say that no one has ever been hunting you down to kill you... just a guess. We've got to learn from David's example. He trusted God in the middle of a life-threatening situation that probably weighed on him terribly. But David knew that if he put His trust in God, he could be confident that he had the victory. He always trusted God, all throughout the Bible and through some pretty stinking rough situations, and you know what? God ALWAYS honored David and never failed him. I want to challenge you. Make this Scripture your confession every day. Begin to see God as your confidence through anything, and I promise, He won't let you down.
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