"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" - Psalm 46:10
It seems like in this day and age we get busier and busier. Between running to band events, sporting events, school events, jobs, job events, Birthday parties, chef parties, jewelry parties, family reunions, friend get-togethers, and not to mention every Church related function known to man. Our society is so driven to do, do, do all the time that it's so easy to let life take over and forget to BE STILL occasionally. Let me ask you this: when is the last time you sat down and were still? Maybe just sat on the couch and read a book, or fell asleep in a hammock? Can't remember, can you? That's because its been entirely too long.
I was talking with a good friend the other day, and as I was talking and encouraging them, I totally felt the Holy Spirit take over. I would like to share a little of what I was talking about with you: We should be identified by who we ARE and not by what we DO. It all goes back to the story of Mary and Martha in the Bible. Jesus came to their house to visit, and Martha played the perfect role of hostess. She took care of dinner, she made sure that the Master's glass was never empty, she cleaned up after dinner, she took care of everything and everyone under her roof. Mary, on the other hand, sat at Jesus' feet and listened to everything He had to say. She was content just being with Him. Now, was Martha wrong for being the hostess with the mostest? Absolutely not. Where she went wrong is when she compared herself to Mary and tried to get Jesus to make Mary come help her work. Jesus corrected Martha and told her that Mary was in the right. What can we learn from this? That Jesus is more interested in a relationship with you than having a maid or a butler. He'd rather have your heart than your hands. Not that the ministry isn't work, but you've gotta check yourself. Make sure that you don't become all about the doing and forget the being. That's all He wants. Just for you to come spend time with Him and learn how to be the man or woman He created you to be.
The Message Bible puts Psalm 46:10 like this: "Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything." I couldn't have said it better myself. Always take the opportunity to step outside of the traffic of the rat race of life and look lovingly into the eyes of the Father. He wants nothing more than to be with you and have ALL of your attention. So STOP! Smell the roses! Enjoy the beautiful day, see God's Hand in everything around you and you will begin to see who you ARE.
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